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Explore a rich heritage of legendary pearls and jewels.

International Trade

International Trade Relationships…

By 1904, Paul Juergens, one of the original founders of the company, was still working at the ripe age of 70, and maintained his interest in the company of which he was the official leader. The active duties of day-to-day management were overseen by W.F. Juergens and W.G. Andersen, who had grown up in the company and absorbed the knowledge of the jewelry trade from their parents, allowing them to further harness the company’s success. Hans Juergens, the youngest son, was director of the company and oversaw the refining and smelting departments. W.F. Juergens and W.G. Andersen did all the buying, alternating visits to foreign markets of diamonds and other precious stones.

The European office of the company was located at Nos. 21 and 25 Looijersgracht, Amsterdam, Holland, and was visited once a year by either Mr. Andersen or Mr. Juergens. Staying in close contact with the precious stone markets of the world, they were positioned to challenge competition from any part of the world.

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